X-Men Mutant Moneyball


Jo Hardin


March 19, 2024

library(tidyverse) # ggplot, lubridate, dplyr, stringr, readr...

The Data

This week’s data is X-Men Mutant Moneyball from Rally’s Mutant moneyball: a data driven ultimate X-men by Anderson Evans.

While pulling in the data, we use parse_number() to remove all of the $ and % symbols in some of the columns.

mutant_moneyball <- readr::read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2024/2024-03-19/mutant_moneyball.csv') |>
  mutate(across(`60s_Appearance_Percent`:PPI90s_oStreet, parse_number))

Wrangling the data

Note that the dataset is currently very wide. And it would be better to have the variables consolidated across decade with a single column referencing the relevant decade for each variable type. We’ll have to pivot_longer() and then wrangle the variable and then pivot_wider() back.

# A tibble: 26 × 45
   Member            TotalIssues TotalIssues60s TotalIssues70s TotalIssues80s
   <chr>                   <dbl>          <dbl>          <dbl>          <dbl>
 1 warrenWorthington         139             61             35             20
 2 hankMcCoy                 119             62             38              9
 3 scottSummers              197             63             69             56
 4 bobbyDrake                123             62             35              6
 5 jeanGrey                  164             63             58             14
 6 alexSummers                68              8             13             43
 7 lornaDane                  48              9             13             19
 8 ororoMunroe               190              0             36            121
 9 kurtWagner                120              0             36             84
10 loganHowlett              167              0             36            115
# ℹ 16 more rows
# ℹ 40 more variables: TotalIssues90s <dbl>, totalIssueCheck <dbl>,
#   TotalValue_heritage <dbl>, TotalValue60s_heritage <dbl>,
#   TotalValue70s_heritage <dbl>, TotalValue80s_heritage <dbl>,
#   TotalValue90s_heritage <dbl>, TotalValue_ebay <dbl>,
#   TotalValue60s_ebay <dbl>, TotalValue70s_ebay <dbl>,
#   TotalValue80s_ebay <dbl>, TotalValue90s_ebay <dbl>, …

The pivot_longer() command below is able to pivot to three name columns, here name1, name2, and name3.

mutant_moneyball |>
  select(-TotalIssues, -totalIssueCheck, 
         -TotalValue_heritage, -TotalValue_ebay) |>
               names_pattern = "(.*)(\\d\\ds)(.*)", 
               names_to = c("name1", "name2", "name3"))
# A tibble: 1,040 × 5
   Member            name1       name2 name3        value
   <chr>             <chr>       <chr> <chr>        <dbl>
 1 warrenWorthington TotalIssues 60s   ""              61
 2 warrenWorthington TotalIssues 70s   ""              35
 3 warrenWorthington TotalIssues 80s   ""              20
 4 warrenWorthington TotalIssues 90s   ""              23
 5 warrenWorthington TotalValue  60s   "_heritage" 929056
 6 warrenWorthington TotalValue  70s   "_heritage" 154585
 7 warrenWorthington TotalValue  80s   "_heritage"  23957
 8 warrenWorthington TotalValue  90s   "_heritage"    960
 9 warrenWorthington TotalValue  60s   "_ebay"      23335
10 warrenWorthington TotalValue  70s   "_ebay"       3362
# ℹ 1,030 more rows

But the name of the value should be name1 and name3 pasted together.

mutant_moneyball |>
  select(-TotalIssues, -totalIssueCheck, 
         -TotalValue_heritage, -TotalValue_ebay) |>
               names_pattern = "(.*)(\\d\\ds)(.*)", 
               names_to = c("name1", "name2", "name3")) |>
  mutate(variable = paste(name1, name3, sep = "")) 
# A tibble: 1,040 × 6
   Member            name1       name2 name3        value variable           
   <chr>             <chr>       <chr> <chr>        <dbl> <chr>              
 1 warrenWorthington TotalIssues 60s   ""              61 TotalIssues        
 2 warrenWorthington TotalIssues 70s   ""              35 TotalIssues        
 3 warrenWorthington TotalIssues 80s   ""              20 TotalIssues        
 4 warrenWorthington TotalIssues 90s   ""              23 TotalIssues        
 5 warrenWorthington TotalValue  60s   "_heritage" 929056 TotalValue_heritage
 6 warrenWorthington TotalValue  70s   "_heritage" 154585 TotalValue_heritage
 7 warrenWorthington TotalValue  80s   "_heritage"  23957 TotalValue_heritage
 8 warrenWorthington TotalValue  90s   "_heritage"    960 TotalValue_heritage
 9 warrenWorthington TotalValue  60s   "_ebay"      23335 TotalValue_ebay    
10 warrenWorthington TotalValue  70s   "_ebay"       3362 TotalValue_ebay    
# ℹ 1,030 more rows

Then we need to pivot_wider() so that the columns of interest are separated.

mutant_moneyball_clean <- mutant_moneyball |>
  select(-TotalIssues, -totalIssueCheck, 
         -TotalValue_heritage, -TotalValue_ebay) |>
               names_pattern = "(.*)(\\d\\ds)(.*)", 
               names_to = c("name1", "name2", "name3")) |>
  mutate(variable = paste(name1, name3, sep = "")) |>
  select(Member, decade = name2, value, variable) |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value)

# A tibble: 104 × 12
   Member            decade TotalIssues TotalValue_heritage TotalValue_ebay
   <chr>             <chr>        <dbl>               <dbl>           <dbl>
 1 warrenWorthington 60s             61              929056           23335
 2 warrenWorthington 70s             35              154585            3362
 3 warrenWorthington 80s             20               23957             583
 4 warrenWorthington 90s             23                 960              97
 5 hankMcCoy         60s             62              929776           23377
 6 hankMcCoy         70s             38               20705            1224
 7 hankMcCoy         80s              9                6631             289
 8 hankMcCoy         90s             10                 881              82
 9 scottSummers      60s             63              933616           23420
10 scottSummers      70s             69              188635            5431
# ℹ 94 more rows
# ℹ 7 more variables: `_Appearance_Percent` <dbl>, PPI_heritage <dbl>,
#   PPI_ebay <dbl>, TotalValue_wiz <dbl>, TotalValue_oStreet <dbl>,
#   PPI_wiz <dbl>, PPI_oStreet <dbl>

The data is now in a format that will make graphing easy!


Comparing different valuations

mutant_moneyball_clean |>
  #ggplot(aes(x = PPI_wiz, y = PPI_ebay)) + 
  ggplot(aes(x = PPI_wiz, y = PPI_oStreet)) + 
  geom_point(aes(size = TotalIssues, color = Member)) +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) + 
  ggrepel::geom_label_repel(aes(label = Member), max.overlaps = 15,
                            size = 2) +
  facet_wrap(~decade, scales = "free") + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x = "Price per issue, Wizard Price Guide",
       y = "Price per issues, Overstreet Price Guide",
       title = "Price and frequency for X-Men commic books\nincluding each of the given characters",
       subtitle = "Size of dot proportional to the number of issues character appeared in")

Scatterplot describing the relationship between two different price guides for issues of X-Men comics.  The two price guides are very strongly correlated, but the Overstreet Price Guide estimates that the issues are substantially more expensive that what the Wizard Price Guide estimates.  The graphs are faceted by decade (1960 to 1990).  The same trends are seen for each decade, but the older issues are a lot more expensive.

Difference in price per issue for two different price guides: Wizard and Overstreet. Note that the Overstreet Price Guide consistently estimates the issues as higher priced than the Wizard Price Guide.
[1] "You are astonishing!"