Programming Languages


Jo Hardin


March 21, 2023

#devtools::install_github("ricardo-bion/ggradar", dependencies = TRUE)

The Data

The data this week comes from the Programming Language DataBase. Thanks to Jesus M. Castagnetto for the suggestion!

The PLDB has a blog with numerous articles exploring the data, such as Does every programming language have line comments?.

languages <- read_csv("languages.csv")

lang_daily <- languages %>%
  filter(pldb_id %in% c("python", "sql", "r", "stata", "spss", "sas", #"latex", "markdown",
                        "matlab", "mathematica"))
lang_daily %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = appeared, y = isbndb)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_text(aes(label = pldb_id), vjust = 1.5)

Consider the following variables that we might want to compare across some standard programming languages used around here.

lang_daily %>%
  select(pldb_id, appeared, number_of_jobs, number_of_users, book_count, language_rank)
# A tibble: 8 × 6
  pldb_id     appeared number_of_jobs number_of_users book_count language_rank
  <chr>          <dbl>          <dbl>           <dbl>      <dbl>         <dbl>
1 python          1991          46976         2818037        342             3
2 sql             1974         219617         7179119        182             4
3 matlab          1984          32228         2661579        177            10
4 r               1993          14173         1075613         40            15
5 sas             1976           4682          361103         96            35
6 mathematica     1988           1553          148741         72            44
7 spss            1968           9587          965674         14           103
8 stata           1985              0            2816         21           241

We can put the variables on the same scale by using rescale which forces each data point to be between zero and one (with the smallest value set to 0 and the largest value set to 1) using:

\[X_{rs} = \frac{X - \min}{\max - \min}\]

lang_daily %>%
  select(pldb_id, appeared, number_of_jobs, number_of_users, book_count, 
         language_rank) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(-pldb_id), rescale) %>%
  ggradar(axis.label.size = 2.7)

A radar plot comparing relative values of year they appeared, their ranking as a programming language, number of books, number of users, and number of jobs for the following programming languages - Mathematica, Matlab, Python, R, SAS, SPSS, SQL, and Stata

Comparison of 8 programming languages in terms of the following rescaled variables - the year they appeared, their ranking as a programming language, number of books, number of users, and number of jobs