The Data

The data this week comes from Eurovision. Hattip to Tanya Shapiro and Bob Rudis for sharing some methods to cleaning/scraping this data.

The country to country voting data comes from Data.World

The code is silly, but the emo package got confused by the following countries (e.g., is it the Netherlands or the Carribean Netherlands?). So I removed the confusing countries by mapping them to countries I knew wouldn’t be in the database. Fortunately, none of the confusing countries were in the top group.

eurovision <- read_csv("eurovision.csv") %>%
  mutate(artist_country = case_when(
    artist_country == "Netherlands" ~ "Mexico", 
    artist_country == "Czech Republic" ~ "Guyana",
    artist_country == "North Macedonia" ~ "Cuba",
    artist_country == "Georgia" ~ "Brazil",
    artist_country == "Serbia & Montenegro" ~ "Haiti",
    artist_country == "Yugoslavia" ~ "Guatemala",
    TRUE ~ artist_country))

Top Countries with flags

temp <- eurovision$artist_country %>% map(emo::flag)

temp2 <- temp %>% map(attr, which = "data") %>%
  map_df(dplyr::select, runes) %>%
  mutate(runes = str_replace(runes, "\\s", "-") )
emojis <- temp2 %>% # data built into package
  mutate(emoji_url = paste0("", 
                            tolower(runes), ".png")) 

eurovision %>%
  bind_cols(emojis) %>%
  filter(section == "grand-final") %>%
  #filter(year = 2022) %>%
  group_by(artist_country) %>%
  filter(sum(! > 12) %>%
  filter(year >=2000) %>%
  filter(min(rank, na.rm = TRUE) == 1) %>%
  mutate(country = ifelse(year == 2022 | (artist_country == "Russia" & year == 2021), emoji_url, NA)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = rank)) + 
  geom_image(aes(x = year + 2, image = country)) +
  ggbump::geom_bump(aes(color = artist_country)) + 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") + 
Line plot from 2000 to 2020 of the ranking for the country's finalist.  The top seven countries displayed are Azerbaijan, Germany, Greece, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and Ukraine.

After filtering for countries which were ranked at least 12 times and placed first at least once since 2000, we see the rankings of the top seven home countries of the Eurovision winners.

Getting the flags onto the plot was a huge endeavor.

## [1] "You are unreal!"